Lunch @ Katayama Suisan
Arrived 1:20pm, Depart at 2:15pm
The seafood served here is as fresh as it can possibly get. For the record, I have never seen abalone move.
Warning - mildly graphic.
Our lunch set, Kai-yaki Set 貝焼きセット, which consists of 2 Sasae サザエ (sea-snails a.k.a Turbo cornutus), 2 large Asari clams 大アサリ and an Abalone アワビ, set us back by ¥2000. This is a great deal, considering that Abalone is one of the world’s most expensive seafood, and a can of pre-cooked large abalone can cost S$35 and above.
We got a charcoal grill to slow cook our seafood. Small cubes of butter are added into the clams, so that makes the clam juice a lot more delicious.

The abalone was grilled face down, as advised by the owner. After a couple of minutes, we took it off the grill, pull out the meat, and slice it on the chopping board. DIY. The abalone is amazingly tender!
Towards the end of the meal, I ordered a portion of Hamaguri clams はまぐり, 3 pieces for ¥600. When the clam popped open, that’s when it’s ready.
Unforgettable meal.
Katayama Suisan
片山水産Tokushima, Naruto, Kitanadachō Awata, Ōgishi-16-1 [Google map link]
Tel: 088-682-0366
11am-9pm. Closed on Tue